ΒΆ Description
Following the death of the Emperor at Endor, Imperial leadership fragmented into various warlords and renegade admirals, generals, and Moffs. Though many have given their loyalty to Grand Vizier Sate Pestage, leading the Imperial Remnant in the galactic north, others have formed a new government in the galactic south: the Imperial Ascendancy. Eschewing certain Imperial traditions, the Ascendancy has replaced some ships with less popular designs, and uses the Anoat Federation, a vassal state of pirates, mercenaries, and smugglers, to harass the New Republic.
As a consequence of Imperial ideology, the Ascendancy despises its rival in the north.
(police)Ascendancy Border Control Licence
Ascendancy Civilian Ships Licence
Ascendancy Civilian Equipment Licence
Ascendancy Military Ships Access
Ascendancy Military Equipment Access
Ascendancy Advanced Ships Access
Ascendancy Advanced Equipment Access
(trade)Ascendancy Supply Bulletin Subscription
(friend)Ascendancy Invisor
(ally)Ascendancy Inquisitor
(wharf)Ascendancy Starfighter Construction Licence
(capital)Ascendancy Capital Ship Construction Licence
Ascendancy Basic Module Licence
Ascendancy Intermediate Module Licence
Ascendancy Advanced Module Licence