ΒΆ Description
The Galactic Empire, also known as the New Order, or simply the Empire, is the galactic government that replaced the Galactic Republic in the aftermath of the Clone Wars and ushered galactic civilization into a new age of safety, freedom, justice, and security: all accomplished only through absolute tyranny. By 0 BBY, the Empire had its legislative body, the Galactic Senate, dissolved, effectively becoming a military dictatorship. It is currently the largest political, territorial, and military power to date, with access to nearly unlimited funding and holding sway over a large majority of the galaxy. However, following the death of its Emperor, Sheev Palpatine, during the disastrous Battle of Endor, the Empire has entered a period of steady decline over the past few months, with some political or military groups within the Empire breaking away entirely, either to continue the Imperial dream on their own terms or to form new dominions. Those still loyal to the Imperial leadership on Coruscant are known by Alliance intelligence officers as simply Imperial Loyalists. As of 4 ABY, the Empire is lead by a Grand Vizier, originally a title held by the Emperor's personal assistant. The current Grand Vizier is Sate Pestage.
(police)Imperial Border Control Licence
Imperial Civilian Ships Licence
Imperial Civilian Equipment Licence
Imperial Military Ships Access
Imperial Military Equipment Access
Imperial Capital Ships Access
Imperial Capital Equipment Access
(trade)Imperial Supply Bulletin Subscription
(friend)Imperial Officer
(ally)Imperial Admiral
(wharf)Imperial Sienar Starfighter Construction Licence
(capital)Imperial Capital Ship Construction Licence
Imperial Basic Module Licence
Imperial Intermediate Module Licence
Imperial Advanced Module Licence